Uluslararası Projeler
- H.Ü. UKAM-UNDP “Support to the International Research Center for Karst Water Resources projesi.” No: TUR/88/007
- H.Ü. UKAM-NATO “A Comperative Hydrogeological Investigation of Karst Springs in Turkey and Florida-USA”
- H.Ü. UKAM- TÜBİTAK COST-65 “Antalya Traverten Platosunda Karst Yeraltısuyu Kirliliğinin Bu günkü Durumu ve Geleceği Projesi” No: YBAG-0075
- H.Ü. UKAM- TÜPRAG “Environmental and Pollution Baseline Studies for the Sivrihisar-Akçay Project”
- H.Ü. UKAM-ETS Zurich Joint Project “The Geothermal Investigation in Marmara Region (A part of Polyproject “Marmara”Reg. Nr.08818/41-3199.5 Tectonic Activity and its Interactions with Groundwater Circulation, Geothermics and Seismicity-Study Area NW-Turkey)
- H. Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project “Isotope Survey of Geothermal Systems of Central Anatolia” Research Contract 6716/RB
- H.Ü. UKAM-İtalya, “Groundwater Management of Coastal Karstic Aquifers” (COST /232/96)
- H.Ü. UKAM-RESMAN-MED, Fransa,İtalya,Lübnan, Malta,Türkiye.”Resorce Management in Karstec Areas of the Coastal Regions of the Mediterranean”, 94/807/EC.
- H.Ü.UKAM-International Geological Correlation Project-379 “Contribution of Karst Areas to the Carbon Cycle of the Globe”
- H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA “Orta Anadolu’daki Jeotermal Sistemlerde İzotop Çalışmaları Projesi”
- H.Ü.UKAM-Almanya Karlrushe, İsrail Hebrew University of Jerusalem ortaklığında “Management of Karst Water Resources “ adlı Avrupa Topluluğu Avicenne Projesi
- Scientific and Technical Cooperation between HU-UKAM and Karst Research Center and Research Institute for Groundwater, Cairo, Egypt
- H.Ü UKAM- University of Bristol “Paleoclimatic Interpretation of PlioQuaternary Karst Evolution by Means of U-Series Dating Techniques” adlı British Council Projesi
- H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project RB7997 “Environmental Isotope Study of Lake Köyceğiz.”
- H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA “The Use of Isotope Techniques in Problems related to Geothermal Exploitation” isimli CRP programı kapsamında “Research on Isotope Techniques for Exploitation of Geothermal Reservoirs in Western Turkey” projesi
- H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project research contact 6716/RB. “Isotope Survey of Geothermal Systems of Central Anatolia”
- H. Ü. – Gauff Ingeniuere Gmbh&Co. KG “Hydrogeological Appraisal of the Karasu Karst Springs (Andırın/K.Maraş-Turkey) “
- H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “Holocene Variations of the Environmental in Anatolia”
- H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Kerkenez Project Initiative “Water Resources Management in an Iron Age City”
- H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “The Öküzini marshes : A new Paleoenvironmental Record on the Anatolian Mediterrannean Coast”
- H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “Holocene Paleohydrology and Paleogeography of the Egri River Drainage Area (Sorgun-Yozgat)”
- H.Ü. UKAM-University of New Castle (Australia) – University of Bremen (Germany), “Study of Travertine Deposition Rates at Pamukkale, Turkey”
- H.Ü. UKAM-MTA-Ukraine “The Aladağlar Karst and Cave Research Project”
- H.Ü. UKAM-EU Comission “MEDITATE, Mediterranean Development of Innovative Technologies for Integrated Water Management, European Comission 6th Franework Programme for Research Technological Development and Demonstration, Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project”
- H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK SLOVENYA-Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi “Comparative Morpho-Hydrological Investigation of Selected Karst Regions of Turkey and Slovenia” ÇAYDAĞ 104Y051 projesi
- H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA- “Hydrochemical and Isotopic Appraisal of a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem in Gökova Coastal Wetlands” projesi
- IGCP 513 “Global Study of Karst Aqufers and Water Resources” projesi (ulusal Koordinatör)
- H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK,JAPONYA- Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi- “Seyhan Nehri Havzasında Tarım Güvenliği İçin Su Kaynakları Sistemlerinin İklim Değişikliğine Karşı Duyarlılıklarının Araştırılması” Projesi
- H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK SLOVENYA-Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi “Comparative Morpho-Hydrological Investigation of Selected Karst Regions of Turkey and Slovenia” ÇAYDAĞ 104Y051 projesi
- H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA- “Hydrochemical and Isotopic Appraisal of a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem in Gökova Coastal Wetlands” projesi
- H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA “Isotope Hydrology Techniques in Water Resources Management” RAW8/002 No’lu Bölgesel Araştırma Projesi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Uluslararası Karst Su Kaynakları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (UKAM)
06800 Beytepe Ankara