Uluslararası Projeler

  1. H.Ü. UKAM-UNDP “Support to the International Research Center for Karst Water Resources projesi.” No: TUR/88/007
  2. H.Ü. UKAM-NATO “A Comperative Hydrogeological Investigation of Karst Springs in Turkey and Florida-USA”
  3. H.Ü. UKAM- TÜBİTAK COST-65 “Antalya Traverten Platosunda Karst Yeraltısuyu Kirliliğinin Bu günkü Durumu ve Geleceği Projesi” No: YBAG-0075
  4. H.Ü. UKAM- TÜPRAG “Environmental and Pollution Baseline Studies for the Sivrihisar-Akçay Project”
  5. H.Ü. UKAM-ETS Zurich Joint Project “The Geothermal Investigation in Marmara Region (A part of Polyproject “Marmara”Reg. Nr.08818/41-3199.5 Tectonic Activity and its Interactions with Groundwater Circulation, Geothermics and Seismicity-Study Area NW-Turkey)
  6. H. Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project “Isotope Survey of Geothermal Systems of Central Anatolia” Research Contract 6716/RB
  7. H.Ü. UKAM-İtalya, “Groundwater Management of Coastal Karstic Aquifers” (COST /232/96)
  8. H.Ü. UKAM-RESMAN-MED, Fransa,İtalya,Lübnan, Malta,Türkiye.”Resorce Management in Karstec Areas of the Coastal Regions of the Mediterranean”, 94/807/EC.
  9. H.Ü.UKAM-International Geological Correlation Project-379 “Contribution of Karst Areas to the Carbon Cycle of the Globe”
  10. H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA “Orta Anadolu’daki Jeotermal Sistemlerde İzotop Çalışmaları Projesi”
  11. H.Ü.UKAM-Almanya Karlrushe, İsrail Hebrew University of Jerusalem ortaklığında “Management of Karst Water Resources “ adlı Avrupa Topluluğu Avicenne Projesi
  12. Scientific and Technical Cooperation between HU-UKAM and Karst Research Center and Research Institute for Groundwater, Cairo, Egypt
  13. H.Ü UKAM- University of Bristol “Paleoclimatic Interpretation of PlioQuaternary Karst Evolution by Means of U-Series Dating Techniques” adlı British Council Projesi
  14. H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project RB7997 “Environmental Isotope Study of Lake Köyceğiz.
  15. H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA “The Use of Isotope Techniques in Problems related to Geothermal Exploitation” isimli CRP programı kapsamında “Research on Isotope Techniques  for Exploitation of Geothermal  Reservoirs in Western Turkey” projesi
  16. H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Project research contact 6716/RB. “Isotope Survey of Geothermal Systems of Central Anatolia”
  17. H. Ü. – Gauff Ingeniuere Gmbh&Co. KG “Hydrogeological Appraisal of the Karasu Karst Springs (Andırın/K.Maraş-Turkey) “
  18. H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “Holocene Variations of the Environmental in Anatolia”
  19. H.Ü. UKAM-IAEA Kerkenez Project Initiative “Water Resources Management in an Iron Age City”
  20. H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “The Öküzini marshes : A new Paleoenvironmental Record on the Anatolian Mediterrannean Coast”
  21. H.Ü. UKAM-CNRS “Holocene Paleohydrology and Paleogeography of the Egri River Drainage Area (Sorgun-Yozgat)”
  22. H.Ü. UKAM-University of New Castle (Australia) – University of Bremen (Germany), “Study of Travertine Deposition Rates at Pamukkale, Turkey”
  23. H.Ü. UKAM-MTA-Ukraine “The Aladağlar Karst and Cave Research Project”
  24. H.Ü. UKAM-EU Comission “MEDITATE, Mediterranean Development of Innovative Technologies for Integrated Water Management, European Comission 6th Franework Programme for Research Technological Development and Demonstration, Specific Targeted Research or Innovation Project”
  25. H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK SLOVENYA-Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi “Comparative Morpho-Hydrological Investigation of Selected Karst Regions of Turkey and Slovenia” ÇAYDAĞ 104Y051 projesi
  26. H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA- “Hydrochemical and Isotopic Appraisal of a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem in Gökova Coastal Wetlands” projesi
  27. IGCP 513 “Global Study of Karst Aqufers and Water Resources” projesi (ulusal Koordinatör)
  28. H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK,JAPONYA- Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi- “Seyhan Nehri Havzasında Tarım Güvenliği İçin Su Kaynakları Sistemlerinin İklim Değişikliğine Karşı Duyarlılıklarının Araştırılması” Projesi
  29. H.Ü.UKAM-TÜBİTAK SLOVENYA-Uluslararası İşbirliği Projesi “Comparative Morpho-Hydrological Investigation of Selected Karst Regions of Turkey and Slovenia” ÇAYDAĞ 104Y051 projesi
  30. H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA- “Hydrochemical and Isotopic Appraisal of a Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem in Gökova Coastal Wetlands” projesi 
  31. H.Ü.UKAM-IAEA “Isotope Hydrology Techniques in Water Resources Management” RAW8/002 No’lu Bölgesel Araştırma Projesi



Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Uluslararası Karst Su Kaynakları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (UKAM)
06800 Beytepe Ankara